more information

My photos can be purchased and printed directly yourself at your preferred printer, such as Whitewall

Alternatively, I can arrange printing for you. 

There are many options for the kind of print you might like, from small to very large, and ranging from classic prints in frames, to images printed on canvas, glass, metal and more.  The Whitewall site, or similar, will give you a very good idea of the options available. 

The price for an image only, for which you would arrange the printing, is 4 pence per square centimetre. That means for example that an image configured for an A4 size print would cost £25.

If however you want me to arrange the printing, I will prepare a quotation for you.

If you have any queries, please email me at -

For commercial use, price and copyright permissions are negotiable. 

I live in the London Borough of Sutton.